2024 AU Trends Calendar

What categories are shopper buying the most in, and when? Our 2024 calendar answers the question so you can adjust your strategies for the year ahead.

Throughout the year, eBay buyers shop during a variety of peak periods, from the unexpected to predictable.
We evaluated 2023 purchases to see where there were spikes across key categories and when, so that you can
be prepared for similar trends in 2024.

From Home & Garden to Motors and an array of categories in between, understanding when buyers are
shopping, what categories they are shopping in and how purchase patterns fluctuate over the year will help you
strategically plan inventory and advertising strategies to stay competitive this year. For example, we discovered
that in the electronics category, sales of headphones increased by 91% and portable speakers by 11.5% in Q2.

Advertising is a great way to ensure your listings are highly visible and delivered to purchase-ready buyers when it matters most. Tap into Promoted Offsite to extend your reach off of eBay or launch Promoted Listings with a priority campaign strategy to ensure highest visibility on the marketplace.

Download the eBay Advertising AU Trends Calendar today to get ahead of the competition.

  • eBay first party data 1/1/23-12/31/23

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