Qualified financial audiences are shopping on eBay

When it comes to digital advertising, today’s consumers expect companies to know their preferences on a very intimate level. In fact, according to a November 2018 report by  The Financial Brand, 74% of global consumers expect brands to treat them as an individual.

Brands have done a good job of aligning themselves with consumer lifestyles in their marketing efforts, thanks to advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence driving more efficient data analysis.

However, there is more to be done around identifying real consumer intent. With the advent of eCommerce platforms and online transactions, advertisers no longer have to depend on content-based assumptions about whether or not a consumer intends to buy something. And, while they’ve gotten us much closer to true intent, 3rd party data providers don’t provide the transparency or robust set of intent signals that advertisers need to power successful campaign.

And that is something that eBay is uniquely positioned to help brands deliver on.

More than 106M unique shoppers come to eBay every month in a shopping state of mind and for one reason: to shop for what they love, what they need, and everything in-between.

Thanks to 107M hours of monthly shopping data and billions of first-party intent-based signals from our logged-in shoppers, eBay is an expert in understanding intent – real intent. Our team of data science experts are continuously analyzing keywords, categories and brands searched, in addition to the frequency of searches, purchases, number of days from initial search to purchase, etc. to inform strategic marketing strategies putting brands closer to their audience than ever.

With the perfect combination of scale and precision, eBay offers marketers the power to target the right audiences at the right moment in their shopping journey.

When it comes to financial service brands, eBay has the qualified audiences they’re looking for.2

  • 2M Retiree Investors 
  • 654K Financial Investors 
  • 3M Handy Homeowners

Their unique shopping habits tell us:


  • Brands are 3x more likely to reach Retiree Investors with a Business & Industrial category takeover.
  • Financial Institutions are 3x more likely to reach Financial Investors with a Fine Jewelry or Loose Diamonds & Gemstones category takeover.
  • You are 6x more likely to reach a Handy Homeowner on eBay with a Major Appliances category takeover.

These are just a sample of the unique audiences you can engage on eBay today. Looking for shop-alike audiences and or custom segments based on your unique business needs. eBay’s logged-in users and first-party real intent data makes it all possible.

It’s time to learn more about your consumers by the way they shop on eBay. Contact our sales team today!


  1. comScore Media Metrix, Multi-Platform, December 2019, US
  2. eBay First-Party Data, 1/1/19-10/31/19

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