Giving Back with eBay

At eBay, we are only as vibrant and successful as the people around us. From our employees, to our sellers, shoppers, advertisers, and beyond, they are the fabric that define our values.

Giving back is at the core of our brand principles; it is what makes us unique and is a valuable way in which we connect with people all over the world.

The eBay Foundation

Our charitable foundation helps us extend our passions and influence beyond our borders as an online marketplace and connect with the global community. We are proud to have given back $40 million to non-profit organizations worldwide since 1998, when we started the first corporate foundation to be created with pre-IPO stock.

We are able to help entrepreneurs and communities prosper while promoting a circular economy through the use of grants, impact investments, and employee engagement programs. And we couldn’t do it without the help of our employees, who donate their invaluable time and energies to a wide range of charitable causes. eBay proudly supports them, matching both dollars and time.

Through the years, some of our proudest moments have been giving back to communities, whether in our own backyard or across the globe.

For example, employees have provided $159K in loans with Kiva, an online platform connecting lenders to entrepreneurs worldwide. Also, we proudly partnered with TaroWorks, donating $2 million to create a field management tool aimed at connecting micro-entrepreneurs in remote parts of the world with data, information, and the tools to thrive.

Whenever possible, we also help support the charitable efforts of our employees on a local level as well. Our 1,800 eBay employees in Salt Lake City, Utah, together spend over 9,000 hours annually volunteering in their community, most notably serving countless lunches to the homeless and disadvantaged people at St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall.

As an organization, the eBay Foundation has a bright future ahead, with many goals on the horizon. By 2020, we hope to lend an additional $1 million to budding businesses, giving 50,000 entrepreneurs access to capital and valuable mentoring.

You can learn more about the work we do at the eBay Foundation here.

Global Impact

In addition to our work with non-profits through the eBay Foundation, we are committed to making positive social and environmental changes within our own business. This includes reducing our environmental footprint, energy use, water consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions as a company.

As of 2016, eBay has seen a 36% decrease in total carbon emissions. Looking forward, we are focused on moving to 100% renewable energy usage in our electrical supply at all eBay data centers and offices. Together with other corporate partners, we founded the Business Renewables Center, guiding other companies to build and expand their renewable energy usage.

Learn more about our environmental commitment and goals for the future here.

Improving Openness Through Charitable Giving

eBay is committed to giving back to our community, and providing a brand platform that is both ethically sound and safe for sellers, shoppers, and advertising partners. Just as we prioritize charitable giving and our own brand values and ethics, we are equally as steadfast in providing a transparent and trusted marketplace to our eBay stakeholders.

Brand security is top of mind for many advertisers, and we pride ourselves on being a marketplace built on strong values.

You can learn more about the eBay Foundation and our Global Impact statement, as well additional information about our responsible business model and our eBay for Charity program here.

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