Introducing Dynamic Ad Rates

What launched?

We launched updates to Promoted Listings with a general campaign strategy creation user interface and campaign editing modals. There will now be two ad rate strategy options available for sellers to choose from: dynamic and fixed. The existing automated ad rate strategy, part of the Automated campaign type, will be converted to the new dynamic ad rate strategy.

Why is it important?

Dynamic ad rates allow sellers to stay competitive in an ever-changing marketplace with automatic ad rate optimizations, removing the guesswork of having to choose an ad rate strategy and simplifying the manual campaign management process.

What is the benefit?

Dynamic Ad rates benefit sellers by providing a simplified way to keep campaigns competitive with automated, daily ad rate adjustments. Sellers no longer need to make frequent changes to their ad rates to keep up with the market. The dynamic ad rate strategy offers an effortless way to secure high visibility placements by automatically adjusting ad rates to match eBay’s daily suggestions.

Where do I find it?

Sellers can find the dynamic ad rate option when setting up a general campaign. A prompt will appear asking sellers to “Choose Ad Rate Strategy” with a brief description. 

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