Universal advertising policies

  • Pixel tracking can be accepted for impressions and clicks if  running banners hosted through eBay’s DFP depending on ad unit. 
  • All cookies must be declared prior to campaign start. 
  • White ads or ads with a similar colour as the site background must have a 1-pixel solid border (hex code #dddddd strongly recommended) .
  • Audio must be user initiated, animation can be auto-play. 
  • All rich media video must contain controls for pause/play  and mute/unmute. 
  • Max animation length for creatives is 15s, no more than  3 loops. Max frame rate is 24fps. 
  • All creatives must be SSL compliant. 
  • All advertisements must be clickable on the entire space.
  • Creatives must include an advertiser name or logo  within their messaging.
  • eBay no longer accepts Flash creative
  • Banners must open within a new window _blank
  • Third party tags can only be accepted from vendors  certified by Google for use with their DFP Premium  ad-server, or if full instructions for inserting cachebuster  and click-tracking macros are supplied and testing is  completed before campaign start date.
  • For HTML5 creatives assets should be delivered as a  compressed .zip folder containing the main HTML file  and all the components it refers to: JavaScript, CSS,  images. The main HTML file must use standard IAB  clickTag variable.

Prohibited Content

  • No refurbished, or auction-related messaging
  • No “bait and switch” tactics allowed
  • Faux-functionality is strictly prohibited such as HTML Drop Downs or Search Forms
  • Promotion or glorification of violence, crime, sex, obscenity or unlawful activity is strictly prohibited
  • No firearms or ammunition
  • No Tobacco, e-cigarettes or vaping products
  • No nudity or adult content
  • No pharmaceuticals/prescription drug related content
  • No religious or political affiliations content
  • No civil/animal rights groups’ content
  • No violent games and movies
  • No graphical content – (e.g. animal cruelty ads)
  • No email aggregators
  • No services with fraud risk – (e.g. money wiring services, payday loans, escrow services)
  • No eBay “Family brand” conflict (e.g. surgery/body enhancement services, sexually suggestive)
  • No pure online payment providers
  • OTC medications content approved on a case by case basis
  • No flashing borders or lettering
  • No text only
  • No “Fake Winner” copy

Advertising standards, rules and restrictions

  • Competitive messaging is acceptable but negative competitive messaging is not. Messaging must be relevant and can indicate advantages (competitive features, pricing, etc.) of an Advertiser’s product over a competitor’s. However, any messaging that directly calls out a competitor or contains disparaging content is not acceptable.
  • Message must be understandable, concise and neither deceptive nor offensive to the eBay community or brand. Employ a simple, short, consistent message. Make the words easy to read (avoid small font). An ordinary person must be able to make an informed decision about the content from the information provided in the ad. Direct response messaging should have one clear call to action.
  • Ad must clearly show the advertiser’s logo or company/product or service offering.
  • The advertiser’s landing page must match the offer being made in the advertisement.
  • It is the advertiser’s responsibility to ensure that all product claims, warranties, guarantees or other assurances comply with applicable laws & regulations.
  • The ad and landing page must have detailed disclosures as appropriate; in particular, full terms and conditions of the offer must be easily accessible on landing page.
  • Images, logos, fonts must be of high resolution/good quality/legible.
  • Must be suitable for eBay’s mass community.
  • Usage of the eBay brand is strictly prohibited without prior approval from eBay. Ads may not mimic or resemble eBay brand colours.
  • ebay WILL NOT accept any advertisement that:
    • Links directly to a registration/email capture page
    • Requires registration and/or log-in in order to view a significant portion of the content of the advertisement or the related site
    • Promotes a business and/or service that competes with the business and/or any service of eBay or any of its affiliates – eBay will use the “Advertisement” or “AdChoice” label to denote advertising above all non-expandable advertisements posted on the eBay site.
  • Additionally, eBay will include the label “Advertisement” or “AdChoice” inside of all expandable advertisements such that the label is viewable both before and during ad expansion.
  • eBay reserves the right to limit the number of creatives deployed per campaign, and changes to the creative in rotation, where ad operations support is required.
  • Advertisements linking to 3rd party sites must open in a new window

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