
Our advertising portfolio puts your merchandise in front of more buyers when shopping on eBay, increasing the likelihood of a sale. These self-service advertising solutions put you in the driver’s seat, equipped with expert advice and real-time campaign analytics so that you can manage your own eBay campaigns.

Ad formats:


Hands on. White glove. High touch. Our team serves as an extension of yours, sharing our digital advertising and global ecommerce expertise to create effective strategies that speak to the perfect audience every time.

Ad formats:
  • Standard IAB display
  • High-impact takeovers
  • Top of search display 
  • Native display

Programmatic solutions

Programmatic campaigns on eBay get real results thanks to our real intent data. We offer effective solutions across all programmatic deal types — from open marketplace to private and preferred deals.

Ad formats:
  • Standard IAB display

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