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Advertising on eBay

Our advertising portfolio is the quickest and easiest way to give your listings the boost they need to find the right buyer on eBay. Advertising help you stand out among billions of listings on eBay by putting your items in front of more buyers. Our ad types are self-serve, so you choose how to advertise your listings the way you feel is best.

Promoted Listings with a general campaign strategy

Increase visibility and drive awareness of your listings when you promote with the general strategy. You’ll only pay a percentage of the total sale amount when selling through clicks on any of your ads.

Promoted Listings with a priority campaign strategy

Accelerate your sales and reach highly motivated buyers with the advanced targeting and precise control over your ad spend when you promote your listing using the priority strategy.

Promoted Offsite

Attract new buyers off eBay and increase your listings’ visibility. With the ability to further promote your listings on popular external channels, you can capture a wider audience of interested buyers and drive more traffic to your listings.  

Help shoppers find your products on eBay

Advertising on eBay

Our advertising portfolio is the quickest and easiest way to give your listings the boost they need to find the right buyer on eBay. Advertising help you stand out among billions of listings on eBay by putting your items in front of more buyers. Our ad types are self-serve, so you choose how to advertise your listings the way you feel is best.

Promoted Listings with a general campaign strategy

Increase visibility and drive awareness of your listings when you promote with the general strategy. You’ll only pay a percentage of the total sale amount when selling through clicks on any of your ads.

Promoted Listings with a priority campaign strategy

Accelerate your sales and reach highly motivated buyers with the advanced targeting and precise control over your ad spend when you promote your listing using the priority strategy.

Promoted Offsite

Attract new buyers off eBay and increase your listings’ visibility. With the ability to further promote your listings on popular external channels, you can capture a wider audience of interested buyers and drive more traffic to your listings.  

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