From CES to eBay: Engage Early Adopters

As you return to the office from this year’s CES excitement, allow us to indulge in some nostalgia for a moment. The first CES took place in New York City in June 1967. Since then, it has moved to Las Vegas and introduced thousands of products into the hands and hearts of consumers. Many of those products have also landed into the homes of millions of eBay shoppers.

Saw it on CES, bought it on eBay

Since 1995, eBay has served as a barometer of cutting edge innovations and gathering place to shop for all things trending.

Advertisers looking to connect with millions of passionate and engaged shoppers can count on eBay’s 700+ audiences to find the right person for the right product. Take for instance Garrett, one of eBay’s many gamer personas. Garret is an older millennial at 35, is single, and owns his home. He and gamers like him, use the platform to not only shop for his favorite old school Nintendo games, but also to learn more about other brands he may be interested in; brands that typically have a strong presence at CES.

Maximize your CES investment

Brands introducing new consumer electronics at CES will quickly see them on eBay soon after they launch. If it’s announced or demoed at CES, it’s selling on eBay. For over three decades, the global stage of CES has fueled eBay’s tech hungry audiences including everyone from die hard gamers like Garret, gadget lovers, auto aficionados and more. With the immediacy of shopper activity on the platform, advertisers can engage with early adopters looking to discover new products in a reliable and safe space. 

eBay’s CES 2019 Activation

Our culture has embraced eBay and in turn, we’ve embraced the cultural moments that happen all around us. This year in our CES suite, we dove into our archives to highlight the journeys of some of the most significant consumer electronics since eBay’s launch in 1995. Want to know how many smartphones are purchased per second on eBay? Check out our latest stats here and if you weren’t at CES, take a look below at some of the milestone consumer electronics and how they moved on eBay. 

Las Vegas, CES 2019. Three decades of milestone innovations were highlighted at this year’s eBay CES suite.



Fujitsu developed the world’s first 42-inch wide-screen color plasma display. A few months later, Pierre Omidyar wrote code for “AuctionWeb” and launched eBay as a personal project out of a spare bedroom in his Silicon Valley townhouse.


The world’s first MP3 player, the MPMan F10, was developed by a South Korean company SaeHan Information Systems. The F10 contained 32MB of Flash storage which was enough for a handful of songs.

2001 – XBOX

Internet Gaming was introduced by Microsoft with the Xbox and Sony with connected features on the PlayStation 2 at CES. Players embraced gaming online with 422 purchases per hour of related items on eBay.

2003 – BLU-RAY

While considered a one hit wonder of consumer technology, the Blu-ray DVD sold 2.3 million units within its first year on eBay.

2007 – iPhone

Apple introduced the iPhone, which saw 14M iPhone related products sell on eBay in the first year of its existence.

2012 – 3D PRINTER

3D Printers premiered at CES. eBay sold two per day that year.

2016 – OTT

The FCC voted to ‘unlock’ cable set-top box converters allowing OTT devices to rise to the top with 43 searches on eBay per minute. However, in early 2017 the FCC removed its set-top box proposal from circulation, meaning commissioners could no longer vote on the proposal. Nevertheless, OTT continues to trend as the population of cord cutters grows.


Google releases the Pixel 3. There are 13 purchases of the device per hour on eBay.


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