3 trends for eBay sellers in early 2022

There’s tons of great opportunities for sellers to catch lightning in a bottle on eBay. In our newly released 2022 New Year Shopping study we unveiled tons of great insights for eBay sellers on how to connect with the right buyers this year. In fact, there were three big trends that emerged when we looked through what eBay buyers told us they are shopping for right now.

Important sales moments to start 2022

The holiday rush is over, but that doesn’t mean people are done spending.

Close to 50% of eBay buyers told us they plan to use their upcoming tax return to shop on eBay. Our online marketplace is a key destination for major shopping moments throughout the year.

Image showing the key moments eBay buyers plan to shop in Q1 2022.

Valentine's Day: 35%
President's Day: 31%
Super Bowl: 21%
MLK Day: 14%
March Madness: 11%
Lunar New Year: 9%
Olympic Winter Games: 7%

Source: eBay New Year Survey. November 2021. A18+ eBay Shoppers.

eBay buyers are expected to spend somewhere between $100 – $250 dollars on holidays such as Valentine’s Day and President’s Day. When it comes to events like President’s Day, 71% of eBay buyers shop in categories that have the best deals, with more than half of buyers shopping for products in the Consumer Electronics, Fashion and Home Improvement categories. 

Missing out on reaching these active buyers could set your sales goals behind. Connect with buyers who are searching for listings like yours by launching your Promoted Listings portfolio campaign right now.

Be competitive with shipping terms and deals

Whether launching a Promoted Listings Standard, Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA or Promoted Listings Express campaign, you need to make sure your listing price is competitive. Why? Because buyers are shopping for competitive prices. The most common way they’ll achieve this is by being more vigilant, and keeping an eye out for sales, deals and discounts.

Image of a bar chart with a stock image of a person putting items into boxes to be shipped. Text reads as follows.

"Be competitive with shipping terms and deals to appeal to buyers."

"Top influencers for purchases on eBay in the New Year"

Free shipping and sponsored items: 79%
Deals & Coupons: 69%
Unique items 43%
Shipping time 5 days or less: 37%
Brand: they have the brands I'm looking for: 31%
Brand: ability to buy from a brand direct: 13%

Source: eBay New Year Survey, November 2021. A18+ eBay Shoppers

Free shipping, deals and coupons are an easy way for sellers to attract more buyers on eBay. Launching a Promoted Listings campaign incorporating one of those elements puts sellers in a better position to make more sales.

Help Buyers Achieve New Year Resolutions  

We all have goals we want to achieve in the new year.  For most buyers on eBay, that means prioritizing health and wellness. Around 44% of eBay shoppers told us they’re making resolutions around fitness goals. Turning those ambitions into results requires the right gear. More than half of those buyers plan to purchase apparel, sneakers and equipment to reach their health goals, making this the perfect opportunity for sellers to promote their listings in these categories.

Image showing the ways shoppers will support their fitness goals through their purchases. Text says the following:

"More than half of eBay shoppers plan to buy apparel, sneakers and equipment to support health goals"

52% will most likely buy fitness apparel.
52% will most likely buy sneakers.
50% will most likely buy fitness equipment. 
14% will most likely by a fitness subscription.

We also heard from eBay buyers that they’re eager to get out of the house and travel more. Which for many means they’ll be shedding the sweatpants and updating their wardrobe. In fact, 56% of eBay shoppers with travel goals in 2022 said they’re likely to buy new outfits. 

Regardless of the motivator, eBay’s marketplace is filled with buyers searching for listings to help them accomplish their resolutions. The next three months will be filled with opportunities for sellers to grow their business further on eBay. We hope that insights like these help give you a head start on achieving your 2022 business goals. Check out our previous blog to download the full report.

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