Deep insights drove results for a major tier-2 auto group

The brands goals were simple: promote their extensive inventory to active and
engaged car shoppers while showcasing their competitive pricing and
special offers.

Working together with eBay Ads, the auto group found a clearer
understanding of its ideal audience by their behaviors on eBay, My
eBay and eBay Motors.

We leveraged our partners’ target audience to inform a thoughtful strategy

  • Male
  • Single
  • Homeowner
  • No kids
  • A35-54


Shopping patterns revealed the ideal behavioral targeting approach.

  • In-Market Crossover Vehicle Shoppers
  • In-Market Luxury Sedan Shoppers
  • Hi-Tech Homeowners


Additional shopping intent signals uncovered key category targeting opportunities to increase reach.

  • Laptops
  • TVs
  • Phones and SmartphonesElectrical Equipment


Campaign Impact 

By digging deeper to understand the lifestyle and passions of their perfect audience, the regional auto group exceeded its CPA goal by +25% and eBay ranked #1 among five endemics.

Contact your sales partner to find out how you can understand your audience best or connect with us here.

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