About Green Cell

From laptop and e-bike batteries to power banks: when it comes to powering mobile devices, Green Cell products are the first choice. Founded in 2013 in Krakow, Poland, the company has also been conquering the German market since 2019.

With a wide range of high-quality batteries and chargers for mobile devices and electric bicycles, as well as in the field of e-mobility for cars, including relevant equipment, the Polish company Green Cell has also made a name for itself in Germany. To sell its products, Green Cell uses its own marketplace store on eBay.de, among other things. Since Q4 2020, the company has been partnering closely with eBay Ads to leverage eBay’s Promoted Listings products for increased visibility of their inventory. For the targeted sales promotion of new and seasonal products, Green Cell has been using the eBay Promoted Listings with a priority strategyBETA campaign type since the beginning of 2022.

Campaign strategy

With Promoted Listings with a general strategy, Green Cell promotes entire product groups and thus ensures maximum coverage throughout the entire eBay network. The retailer uses the general strategy as a kind of always-on marketing tool to place its offers on over 100 different placements on the eBay network; creating as many points of contact as possible with potential buyers.

The retailer enhances visibility even further – especially for new and seasonal products – promoting their listings with a priority strategyBETA. From batteries for boats and motorhomes, to rechargeable power cells for electric bicycles. In the summer months, for example, Green Cell focuses on products in particularly high demand due to seasonal factors – precisely when customers are looking for them. To this end, the company uses privileged access to top rankings on the search results page in order to achieve greater visibility and increase sales velocity for its offers. Through keyword targeting and carefully selected search terms, Green Cell uses priority strategyBETA to ensure that its items are found even more effectively. The advertising budget is adjusted and controlled by the retailer on a daily basis in order to remain as flexible and competitive as possible.

Campaign results

By combining the general and priorityBETA campaign stratgies, Green Cell has found the perfect marketing mix for its business with eBay Advertising. In addition to always on advertising across the entire eBay network with general strategy, the merchant uses priority strategyBETA to highlight new and seasonal products with additional promotion in the top slots of search. The results of this advertising strategy are impressive:


above-average conversion rate (CR)


click-through rate (CTR)


ROAS for advertised products

Why eBay?

For Green Cell, eBay is one of the main sales channels on the German market. As an ideal complement to its own web store, the retailer increases its online reach with eBay’s 142 million global active buyers.

For more visibility and increasing sales, Green Cell has relied on the general strategy from the very beginning. With this campaign type, the provider consistently ensures attention and sales promotion in all product categories. In 2022 Green Cell began specifically supplementing its advertising measures with the priority strategyBETA. Thanks to preferential access to top placements on the search results page, customizable keyword targeting, and full control over its budgets, Green Cell pushes the visibility of selected new and seasonal products even further.

“Thanks to the flexible combination of the general and priority strategy, we have a very efficient way of scaling our marketing on eBay that is as targeted as it is successful. The extra visibility provided by the priority strategy is ideal for optimally boosting sales during seasonal peaks.” – Izabela Ochalik, Head of E-Commerce at Green Cell

  1. eBay First Party Data, 4/18/22 – 5/19/22
  2. *This success story has been updated to reflect the product name changes.

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