eBay Ads Quick Tips series

In a world where online selling is becoming more competitive by the day, eBay sellers are constantly looking for tips on how to stand out and get their listings in front of ready to buy shoppers. With the right advertising tools, your listings can grow in visibility to drive sales, giving you an edge in a crowded marketplace. For example, Promoted Listings Advanced was designed to aid eBay sellers like you grow your business, but how can you get the most out of your ads campaigns? 

That’s where our new “Quick Tips” video series comes in. Enjoy bite-sized yet powerful tips and tricks on how to optimize your campaigns and drive more sales. Even if you’re brand new to eBay, our videos will help you unlock the full potential of using eBay’s advertising solutions.

Check back for more Quick Tips videos highlighting the latest eBay Ads tips and new features.


Quick Tips: Promoted Listings Advanced

Exact Match Keywords

eBay Ads Quick Tips – Exact Match Keywords

With this Quick Tip, you can learn more about Exact Match Keywords and how they can help optimize your Promoted Listings campaigns and drive more sales.

Phrase Match Keywords

eBay Ads Quick Tips – Phrase Match Keywords

This Quick Tip explains how Phrase Match Keywords can help increase awareness and impressions of your Promoted Listings campaigns.

Broad Match Keywords

eBay Ads Quick Tips – Broad Match Keywords

This Quick Tip dives into Broad Match Keywords and teaches you how they can help increase visibility of your Promoted Listings campaigns.

Multi-Quantity Listings

This Quick Tip will teach you more about multi-quantity listings and how they can help increase the quality of your listings and boost your sales potential.

Continuous End Dates

This next Quick Tip explains how setting continuous campaign end dates can help you avoid missing out on visibility of your Promoted Listings Advanced listings and potential sales.

Quick Tips: Offsite Ads

Offsite Ads Optimization

With this Quick Tip, you can learn more about optimizing your listings to help boost visibility of your Offsite Ads campaigns.

Suggested Daily Budget

Use this Quick Tip to help improve the effectiveness of your campaigns when using Offsite Ads.

Historical Data

Follow this Quick Tip to give your campaign the best opportunity to perform by getting enough historical data and performance insights.

For more tips and tricks on how to maximize your sales potential using Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns, you can check out our optimization tips here.

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