New shopping trends: Millennials and Gen Z shopping habits

In the last few years you’ve probably read how the future of shopping revolves around Millennials and Gen Z. These demographics are a driving force behind the shift to eCommerce and have tremendous buying power. In fact, eMakerter estimates that close to 86% of Millennials were digital buyers in 2020, and Gen Z’s estimated buying power is nearing $150 billion. These are pivotal audiences for brands, small businesses and individual sellers alike to attract and market to. It’s a good thing eBay is a destination for both Millennials and Gen Z shoppers.

Since we know these are important demographics for our sellers to reach, we wanted to better understand their buying habits on eBay. How are they similar and where do they differ? We pulled some reports and found some interesting similarities and striking differences between the two. Check out our infographic below to see what we discovered:

Infographic explaining the similarities and differences between Millennial and Gen Z shoppers.

With Millennial and Gen Z’s propensity to purchase online, there’s never been a better time to update your listings to attract these high-value demographics. Making sure that you have the right keywords and images is just one way to make your listing stands out. Promoted Listings is another way to make sure that your items get in front of these buyers.

Check out our Promoted Listings portfolio to discover what campaign type is right for you, and launch your first campaign today. 

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