Better business with eBay Ads: Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA is now available on our platform

Eligible sellers can now use Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA directly on eBay.

Our mission is to help businesses grow further with eBay. Across our marketplace, we’ve been investing heavily into technology to make it easier for sellers to run their business online, from those who are just starting out to those who are looking to scale and expand more globally.

We’ve always been committed to the success of our eBay seller community. With our sellers’ success and growth as our north star, we’re developing more advertising solutions around keyword search and preferred listings, so sellers can choose what’s best based on their business needs. 

As I shared during eBay Open this past summer, we’ve been building upon our Promoted Listings Standard tool, historically known as Promoted Listings. Promoted Listings Standard has seen great success over the years with sellers seeing, on average, double-digit sales increases. In the second quarter of 2021 alone, sellers promoted over 400 million listings to shoppers.

Inspired by these powerful results and seller feedback, we’ve built an exciting complement to this called Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA. This new campaign type is the next step in building our portfolio of advertising solutions to meet the needs of sellers of all sizes. 

One in five eBay purchases starts with a listing that appears on the top of a search results page. With Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA, sellers now have access to promote their listings in that key, top slot in search to increase the likelihood of a sale with more keyword control and enhanced budget management. This new campaign type uses a cost-per-click model (CPC) — standard in today’s online retail space — where sellers pay per click on a promoted listing. Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA is best suited for larger sellers, sellers with higher-priced inventory where a CPC model may be more cost effective than Promoted Listings Standard, and sellers who are already running this advertising model on other marketplaces. 

We’ve been rolling this out to select sellers throughout this year, and I’m excited to share an important update in our journey. Starting today, Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA is available to all eligible sellers on our U.S., U.K., German and Australian sites, directly on the Advertising Dashboard found in Seller Hub. This milestone comes on the heels of last month’s rollout for select sellers who use third-party eCommerce software to help run their business

The global reach of our platform opens new possibilities for our sellers — and in parallel, for millions of buyers to find the items they need and want. Our team is thrilled by this momentum for Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA and the opportunities it presents for sellers to grow their brand and boost sales. 

Woman using Promoted Listings Advanced on eBay

Driving sales velocity

We’re seeing early successes among our sellers who are trying Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA and sellers are seeing an increase in sales.

The Perfect Part is a U.S.-based family-owned business started by two young entrepreneurs, who have sold on eBay for more than a decade. While they have achieved continued success utilizing Promoted Listings Standard, they were looking for more control over keywords and budget. After adopting Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA in combination with Promoted Listings Standard, The Perfect Part saw a 66 percent increase in daily sales velocity.

“Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA is a game changer for any seller looking to expand their audience and broaden their visibility. It allows you to customize your ads based on budget and gives you the opportunity to turn up the throttle or lower it,” said Adam and Cory Zinker, co-founders and CEOs for The Perfect Part. “By driving more sales, we have been able to reinvest revenue from Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA back in our company so we can expand into new products and continue to use more ad solutions. We would recommend Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA to any seller looking to get a ‘competitive edge’ to reach a wider audience and create a following for their business on eBay.”

Based in Germany, Bedifol GmbH sells screen and privacy protection for electronics on their eBay store, schutzfolien24, and has used eBay advertising solutions since 2018 to promote their inventory across our marketplace. In using Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA, the company shared they’ve seen their sales velocity significantly increase by more than 50 percent. 

Marcel Bittner, an ecommerce manager at Bedifol GmbH, recently shared with us that Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA is a, “perfect complement to Promoted Listings Standard.” 

“With this new campaign type, we can ensure optimal visibility in the top position of the search results and thus stand out even better from our competitors,” Marcel said. 

4 Best practices for using Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA

Both Promoted Listings Standard and Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA help sellers’ items stand out among other items online and be seen by millions of active buyers when they’re browsing and searching for products. 

As Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA becomes more widely available, our team has developed a list of four best practices based on insights gathered thus far. I want to share these with our sellers to help set them up for success when using the new campaign type.

1. Reach active shoppers with suggested keywords

Suggested keywords are designed to help you stay competitive. They focus on keywords that buyers are most likely to use to discover the listings that you have included in your campaign. For best results, target at least 10-15 unique keywords per each listing in an ad group.

2. Stay competitive with suggested bids

To help optimize your campaign, we provide you with suggested bids that can increase your likelihood of appearing at the top of the search results. For a given keyword, eBay aggregates bids from listings that have received clicks in the top slot of the search results page to convert them into a suggested bid range.

3. Include high-quality listings in your campaign

Along with your cost-per-click bid, things like your daily budget, keyword relevancy, listing quality and competing ads are a few of the variety of factors that determine whether your ad will win the auction and appear in the top slot of a buyer’s search results.

4. Organize your campaign with ad groups 

Ad groups help you build more effective campaigns by organizing your listings by a common goal or category. Grouping together similar listings allows you to target them with the same set of keywords.

For our sellers, eBay Ads can transform their growth by unlocking the potential in their listings, offering the precision of targeting and establishing the presence of their brand in the marketplace. 

We’re excited by the latest achievement in our Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA journey. For more information on how to use the new campaign type, visit eBay’s Seller Center

Alex Kazim, VP of Global Advertising and General Manager

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