Grow your business with Promoted Listings Standard, now in place of Promoted Listings Express

We heard you, and we have good news to share with our valued eBay sellers.  We’re introducing an updated, new way to drive traffic to your auction listings. Effective April 15th, 2024, Promoted Listings Express will be discontinued and auction sellers who use Express campaigns or are ready to implement ads will be eligible to use Promoted Listings Standard, the expanded, easy-to-use tool for promoting listings across the eBay network on April 29th. 

Promote more listing types with Promoted Listings Standard

With Promoted Listings Standard, you can drive buyers to your auction and Buy It Now listings. Stand out from the crowd with simple to set up ads that give powerful results. By expanding the types of listings that qualify for promotion, you are able to further convert motivated shoppers to buyers while boosting their listings’ visibility across the eBay network no matter how they sell. Connect auction listings with purchase-ready buyers across the eBay network, including search and listing pages, and only pay when you sell. After hearing your valued feedback regarding upfront fees, you’ll pay only when you sell a promoted item. Enjoy no upfront fees and stay within a budget that you define.

With Promoted Listings Standard, you’re in control.

This highly valuable tool assists in selecting and promoting your most optimal performing listings through a variety of tools through a very simple setup. 

  • Easy-to-use: Get started with just a few clicks and add all the listings you wish to promote to your campaign at once 
  • Be competitive: Dynamic ad rate automatically adjusts your ad rate (the percentage of your item’s total sale amount that you’re willing to pay when your promoted item sells within 30 days of a click on one of your ads) to match eBay’s daily suggestion.
  • Efficient: The reporting and dashboard tools available on the campaign dashboard help you get the most out of your campaign performance with detailed analytics of your listings.
  • Pay when you sell: Pay only when you sell a promoted item with no upfront cost. Control the percentage of a sale you’re willing to spend on ad fees when a promoted item sells. 

We are excited about the continued expansion of Promoted Listings Standard across our seller community to minimize risk and maximize impact in your online business. Click the button below and get started on your campaign today.

What’s changing/changed with Promoted Listings Express?
To simplify the auction promotion process, we have discontinued the Promoted Listings Express solution and introduced auction listings to our existing Promoted Listings Standard solution. With this change, you can enjoy the easy-to-use, higher visibility benefits this solution offers while only paying when you sell. 

What’s the benefit of this change for auction sellers?
eBay has expanded the listing types eligible for promotion using Promoted Listings Standard to now include auction and auction Buy It Now categories. The easy-to use, highly efficient advertising solution offers you a simple way to boost listing visibility and pay only when your item sells with no upfront costs. Promoted Listings Standard helps drive motivated buyers to all your listing types above-and-beyond the visibility that items can get organically. By expanding the listings that qualify for Promoted Listings Standard, you’re able to convert motivated shoppers to buyers across the eBay network of 100+ placements, no matter how you sell.

What’s changing/changed with Promoted Listings Standard?
eBay expanded the listing types that are eligible for promotion using Promoted Listings Standard to include the auction and auction Buy It Now categories. By expanding the types of listings that qualify for Promoted Listings Standard, you’re able to convert motivated shoppers to buyers while boosting your listings’ visibility across the eBay network of 100+ placements no matter how you sell.

Will promoting my auction cost more now that I use Promoted Listings Standard?
Promoted Listings Standard is a cost-per-sale advertising solution with no upfront costs. This means you will choose a percentage of the sale that you’re willing to spend on ad fees when your promoted item sells. What you pay is up to you!

Can I promote both auction and auction buy-it now listings with Promoted Listings Standard?
Yes, you may promote all of your listing types using Promoted Listings Standard. 

Can I promote auction and non-auction listings in the same Promoted Listings Standard campaign?
Yes, you may promote your auction and non-auction listings in the same campaign. This capability is not available through the Bulk or Automated campaign types at this time. 

Does Halo apply to my auction listings when I use Promoted Listings Standard? 
Yes, the Halo pricing terms do apply to auction listings when you use Promoted Listings Standard. 

  • What about Direct sales?
    • Yes, the same policies apply for auction and non-auction listings.
  • How will Halo attribution work for my auction items?
    • If the winner of your promoted auction listing clicked on another one of your promoted listings (auction listings or fixed-price listings promoted via Promoted Listings Standard) within the last 30 days prior to the sale, and the sold auction listing is promoted at the time of sale, then this sale would be attributed to the mentioned click. You would be charged an ad fee based on the ad rate at the time of sale.
      • Example – Consider you have two listings promoted via Promoted Listings Standard: fixed priced item A and auction item B. Assume item A was promoted at some point during last 30 days prior to sale of item B, and item B was promoted at the time of sale with ad rate 5%. If a buyer clicked on item A during the time it was promoted within the last 30 days, and purchases item B today, you will be charged an ad fee of 5% for item B.

Are my auction listings included in the forecasting feature’s calculation?
No, auction listings that are part of Promoted Listings Standard campaigns are not included in the forecasting feature’s calculation.

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