2023 Peak season trends calendar

eBay shoppers purchase a wide array of items throughout the peak season shopping period; from impulse purchases made during the Black Friday sales to carefully planned Christmas gifts. We’ve evaluated 2022 purchase behaviours from key product categories to give eBay sellers a head start on driving more sales during the 2023 peak season.

The resulting peak season trends calendar shows when spikes in shopping behaviour occur to help inform your advertising strategies and stay competitive during this critical period. For example, how sales of TVs and coffee machines are impacted by Black Friday, the switch in mindset from entertaining guests to getting fit, or even a surge in purchases of engagement rings for New Year’s Eve proposals.

Advertising is a great way to ensure your listings are delivered to purchase-ready buyers. In fact, sellers saw 50% more sales when using Promoted Listings Advanced compared to non-promoted items, on average.1

  • eBay internal data from Jan – Dec 2022

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