The eBay Ads 'also bought' report

Shoes and socks, laptops and chargers, tables and chairs

There are some combinations of products that naturally go hand-in-hand – and it’s fair to assume that when consumers search for one, they’ll also search for the other. So, if you’re selling hammers, it makes sense to promote your brand on a search page for shelves.

But human behaviour is brilliantly unpredictable. Sometimes, consumers’ browsing behaviour can take unexpected paths that reveal interesting insights into their passions and priorities. Only by understanding these patterns can brands and sellers be confident that they are reaching as big a pool of potential customers as possible.

At eBay, we’ve analysed searches by the 32 million unique users on our UK site over a six month period to identify unusual audience segments based on weird and wonderful combinations of products. From puppy pamperers to unconfident – and unusually well-dressed – cyclists, there are audiences for every brand, no matter how niche.

In this ‘also bought’ report, we’ve summarised fifteen of our favourites – along with our top tips on how to reach the shoppers that are most relevant to your business. Read the full report here.

Leveraging unexpected purchase combinations

To create connections with consumers, brands need to ensure they’re reaching them in the right moment with relevant, helpful and inspiring content – and that means using data to understand what’s truly interesting and important to them.

But, with competition for attention fierce, there is a distinct advantage to engaging with them in the less obvious places too – where competitors are less likely to be lurking. If we know that almost 22,000 people who looked up tyres also searched for speakers, for example, that presents a great opportunity for motor brands to reach their audiences beyond the usual confines of the ‘Car & Motorcycle Parts & Accessories’ category.

With mounds of data available and technology becoming increasingly sophisticated, there is absolutely no excuse for guesswork today. By taking a forensic – and creative – approach to targeting, brands can drive engagement and maximise return on investment for campaigns.

To explore how purchase combination insights can help your campaigns, read the ‘also bought’ report or reach out to eBay’s Brand Partnerships team here.

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