The eCommerce boom - here to stay or a moment in time?

Understanding buyer intent is what eBay Ads is all about. We have access to millions of insights that help us discover new shopping trends and share them with sellers and brands to create smarter advertising strategies. But if we’re being honest, we’re often asked about how shoppers on eBay compare to other online shoppers and what future shopping behaviors will look like.

As COVID-19 restrictions relaxed, we knew it would be important to understand how behaviors are changing in a post-pandemic world. How are they reacting to physical stores reopening? What categories and items are they prioritizing? Will eCommerce continue to be the preferred choice through 2021 and beyond?

To answer those questions, we conducted an in-depth survey of 2,000 eBay buyers and another 2,000 general online shoppers to learn if the COVID-driven shift to online is a permanent change or  just a snapshot in time.

We discovered that the necessity of online shopping really changed what buyers care about. We believe these changes will impact the future of every shopper’s journey. Our Re-open 2021 study will help you understand evolving buyer behaviors and inform your eCommerce strategies. You’ll learn:

  • How important online shopping is in a post-pandemic world
  • What new shopping habits customers developed
  • Which items and category trends are here to stay

Learn everything by downloading our study below.

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